Thank You for Hearing Me: The Definitive Sinéad O'Connor Discography

“[Why have you thought about making an album like this since you were a child?]”

1 version


Something Beautiful: The Sinéad O'Connor Theology Conversation promo album


(Source: as heard)

I guess because I grew up in a very tiny island, which is called Ireland, which at the time was a theocracy, in both the negative and positive suggestions of the word, a very religious country, also a very musical country, with a tradition of singing. I was one of the people that was affected very positively by Catholicism, actually, and by the religiosity of the country. I'm rare in that, but I also was involved from a very young age in singing a lot of the religious songs, like in choirs, or even just at home. My father was a singer, and my mother also was a singer, not for a living, you know, it's not what they did for a living, but, you know, it was their love. There was music everywhere, all kinds of music in my house, all kinds of anything to do with music, you know, in a vast selection of genres, you know, that my parents were into, from John Lennon to Oklahoma!, you know what I mean? But I got involved at a very young age in the school choirs and that, and that's where I fell in love with the religious songs, like from, you know, the age of six and seven, so it was since then that I wanted to kind of be able to write those songs, yeah.

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